This wasn't a real shepherding day-just a move into the Basin Grazing Area from the White Gum GA. The flock made it extremely easy--they had put themselves into the top of Waterfall Gully, through the gate I left open a few days ago, when I put them in at the bottom of the gully. There was a cutting sou'easterly wind this morning, just the right direction to pull them across the undeniably soggy flat and into Waterfall Gully. I confess I was sure they wouldn't cross the flat--just goes to show how many ways it's possible to assume wrongly about sheep behaviour! They were resting and ruminating when I got there in the Polaris, so I didn't try to move them. I just re-jigged the gates so they would have to end up in the Basin when they left. Maybe 15 minutes later, as I was finishing up my "sweep" of White Gum GA to be sure no one was left behind, I saw the sheep on their way out of the gate, spreading out and putting their heads down to graze in the fresh forage of the Basin. It's been about 5 weeks since they were here, just before the big June rains started, so no doubt it looks like a world made fresh and new. Part of my plan in moving them into the Basin now is that I need to take a few days off to rest my right ankle, which has been acting up for the last few weeks. I think I've awakened an old injury, and although it gets better in between shepherding days, it keeps flaring up, especially on full days over rough ground. I figure the sheep will be perfectly happy to graze unmolested for a few days in the Basin. The only downside to this is now I have no excuse not to get stuck into housework I've been putting off! All going well with the ankle, I'll be back shepherding a week from now.
Video V1 above.